Ludwigsburger Dialog

Home of / Heimat von

Patrick O. Ehrmann,

geb. Strauß



Immer Wichtig / Always important:

Impressum, Patrick O. Ehrmann, Patrick O. Strauß

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Zu Mir / On myself:

Geboren am 21.08.1967 in Saarbrücken. Im Alter von 9-12 Aufenthalt in Freetown, Sierra Leone. 1987 Abitur am Kepler Gymnasium, Pforzheim, Note 1,8. 1987-1988 Bundeswehr in Roth und Karlsruhe. 1988-1996 Studium der Chemie mit Diplom an der Universität Karlsruhe. 1990-1998 freiberuflicher Programmierer am QUIPSY CAQ System. 1998-2005 IT-Service-Spezialist der bowi GmbH für PortInfo und Selligent. 6.7.2001 Hochzeit mit Ute Ehrmann. 10.4.2002 Geburt von Tochter Franziska. 31.12.2003 Geburt von Tochter Leonie.

Born on August 21st 1967 in Saarbrücken, Germany. Aged from 9 - 12 i stayed to Freetown, Sierra Leone. In 1987 i did my abitur (german final secondary school examinations with university qualification, analog A-Levels) at the Kepler Gymnasium, Pforzheim, Germany. From 1987 to 1988 military duty at Roth, Germany and Karlsruhe, Germany. From 1988 till 1996 studies on chemistry at the University of Karlsruhe, Germany. 1990 to 1998 freelancing programmer for the QUIPSY CAQ System. 1998 to 2005 IT Services Specialist at the bowi GmbH for PortInfo and Selligent. On July 6th marriage with Ute Ehrmann. On April 10th 2002 birth of daughter Franziska. On December 31st 2003 birth of daughter Leonie.


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AK Zensur

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